I was getting Bryce out the door to the school bus on one of these mornings, and I had left Aiden to his own devices in the kitchen. After a few minutes I came back in and found this...

Busted!!! What were you thinking Aiden? As a hint to all you new parents, and as a giggle to all you old pros, don't leave a baby alone with access to toilet paper rolls. They think its really cool, and this happens pretty much every time.
Secondly, He showed me what he was thinking! TOGA PARTY!!!! He doesn't quite have the John Belushi-guitar smashing-Animal House look down...YET. There's time though...

I love this one! It is enough to make me think I should get up earlier in the morning!
Toga . . . toga . . . toga. I rember guys like this one. They were still just over one year old in college!
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