He can also reach things that must be two times his height. This ability could be a superpower of some sort…quick call Stan Lee.
What’s funny, is that Brenna and I had forgotten that stage of rapid transition. We were comfortable that things were, “up out of reach” and that he couldn’t really get into too much trouble. In the space of a week or so, we find that is no longer the case. Anything that we should have moved to a higher shelf is coveniently pointed out to us by the fact that the baby has it in his hands or is banging it on the table top while laughing.
But, the newly found skills of upright travel also have their…uh…downfalls? Ouch!!!

1 comment:
Now the fun begins. A house full of three mobile children. I'm afraid to read too many posts are they are likely indicative of what my future years entail!! I finally updated today, little Cole arrives tomorrow whether he wants to or not. Glad things are going well.
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