Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Digging up Tour Down Under Coverage - Stage 1 Highlights

The season of watching bicycle racing doesn't start for me until the Spring Classics, but this year is a touch different. Lance Armstrong has returned to the Pro tour under the Astana sponsor. Of course this team looks a lot like the Discovery team did, which also looked a rather similar to the US Postal Service team.

I'm not sure if I'm happy that a cycling legend has come back. I do believe his line about just wanting to promote the fight against cancer and to raise some money/awareness, and it most certainly will do that. Even now the buzz in the cycling community is just shy of standing next to a jet engine (or my kids on sugar).

On his return from this sporting fans perspective, I hate it when guys retire and come back. Look at Favre for example. These elite athletes come back but they generally don't do well.

Lance retired while on top, and as much as I would love to see him win and win for years to come, that can't happen. The human body, even with EPO, can't maintain that level of fitness. I just don't want to watch his slow demise into a cycling has-been rather than remembering him as the greatest of all time.

I guess that last comment won't stop me from watching anyway. I just can't help it. Enjoy!

Stage 1 - Tour Down Under Highlights


goooooood girl said...

your blog is very nice......

Anonymous said...

I like the change although I miss the Oak Mountain pics.
Love Bren