Thursday, March 26, 2009

Hacienda Kass - Mexico

Our group of weary travelers arrived bumping and thumping down a dirt road to which Bill said, “This is much improved over the last time we were here!” We unloaded the gear, food, and exhausted kids into this absolutely marvelous house. There was a great pool with a waterfall, a rooftop to look out onto the stars at night, and the Caribbean Sea right out the back door. I was at a loss for anything more that we could have wanted… No a Ferrari would have destroyed itself on the road just getting to the house, so I can honestly say I didn’t want one…at that moment that is.

But the next morning, we found something great that we hadn’t even thought might be nice. Of course morning came early. At 5:30am I sat up unable to sleep any longer, and when I did, I saw Bryce pop his head up from his own pillow across the room. We are peas in a pod like that, so we ventured out to see the sunrise.

The morning was brilliantly lit with the glow that most of the world only sees at sunset, and behold on the beach, there were sea kayaks and next to them was a hammock plantation! (Yes, Hammocks do grow on special hammock trees no matter what foolish things you may have heard in the past.)

We sat swinging in the hammocks for a while during which time I sucked back a cup of coffee and then our collective hyperactivity disorder kicked in and we jumped into a kayak to explore Solomon Bay. There was a barrier reef that protected the shore from crashing waves and made the kayaking very smooth unless there was wind blowing. There were coral heads growing sporadically in the bay and brilliantly blue water all around. We snorkeled and went on kayak expeditions daily during our stay.

The pool was also a big hit with the kids…uh…well, maybe more than just the kids.

Ansley definitely models a bit too well for a 5 year old. I think I may let her start dating when she's around 30 with looks like that...

There was definitely a bit of a nip to the water in the pool, but in we went anyway. During our stay we had slosh-ball games with a plastic shovel and sponge balls. Sloshball, think baseball but with rules you make up on the fly while you are forced to hit a spongeball through a cascade of water. The pool was also used for loads of snorkeling and there was even an impromptu belly flop contest. Which, gladly, I did NOT win...but not for lack of trying..ouch. The photo's of this belly flop contest have been withheld from this post to protect the innocent.

Ansley and Bryce each became much more proficient and confident swimmers during the endless hours they spent in the pool. I was glad to see their progress because that will really come in handy as the summer approaches and we get to go up to the lake.

As the days progressed, we all had standing meetings to attend. Hammock meetings that is. During which, you were allowed to sleep, but generally couldn’t because three kids make enough noise to make a jet on takeoff sound practically pleasant. All noise aside, the hammocks were such a hit; we all had purchased a couple by the end of the trip to take home. I hope that by planting a hammock in the back yard, I can grow a few hammock least that's what I'm telling the kids. I know, I know...I will have to apologize for all this in the years to come...

Next Post: The Mayans ain't got nuthin' on us.

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